Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Going to ISTE

I am so excited to have the opportunity to go to this conference! Getting there, however, has been quite the adventure.

I only found out about this conference a weeks ago. Then I had to secure funding because believe me this teacher has limited resources. So I finally got the approval and then the fun really began. Trying to find a hotel a week before a huge conference is not fun. It took me two days to finally acquire a hotel other than the Ritz at $600 a night! Even so, at $350 a night I was not sure I would get approval, but I finally did. Then I had to find a flight. Hence my next adventure. I found a flight, but again the cost! At $692 I was SURE they would say NO! Much to my delight, it was approved. Add in the conference fee of $400 (forget any workshops), food, etc. this conference is beginning to add up!

So I began thinking....how do people like me (teachers on meager incomes) go to these great conferences? I would love to travel more and get new ideas, but I don't think my current source will ever send me anywhere else, lol. So what is the solution? I will have to ponder this a bit more and perhaps ask around when I get to ISTE! Can't wait!