Sunday, July 20, 2008

Summer School- Porfolio?

I am teaching summer school for the first time in over 8 years. I must admit that I am actually enjoying the relaxed classroom enviornment that summer school affords. I am teaching a class of 24 "first timers". They are seniors who will graduate early next month. All in all, I have had a good summer so far.

So, the question came to mind-do I have them create an electronic portfolio or not? They will have a portfolio of one kind or another by the end of summer school, but do I have them create it electronically? Admittedly creating an electronic portfolio does call for more time invested for me and my students. It would be so early to skip it all together, but that would cheat my students.

So, I guess I have my answer. My summer students will get the benefit of creating their own electronic portfolio. I do say "benefit" because I strongly believe they need to have the skills it requires to create an electronic portfolio in the future.

Next week we will begin our adventure. I can't wait to see the themes they will create for their work. It should be exciting.

Monday, July 14, 2008

What are 21st Century Literacies Anyway?

Recently I was asked to be part of a very esteemed group of experts at NCTE's Summer Institute on 21st Century Literacies. I must admit that I am honored to be included in the group of people, but I have been left with the question, "Just what are 21st century literacies?"

On the surface it seems that the answer is simple. 21st century literacies must be all the new technology that we educators use in the classroom, but is that all? Is there more to it?

Over the last couple of months I have pondered this question. I think that 21st century literacies not only include all the new "techno stuff", but it also includes all the "old" literacies. I think the "21st century" part is about how these literacies are approached and taught in the classroom. So what do you think?